Fundamentals of Enterprise Digital Transformation and the Limit

 Digital transformation, or DX, is becoming increasingly necessary for business operations. Its impact is especially felt when automation systems and manufacturing assets become part of the initiative. For these systems, Edge Computing bridges the gap between sensor assets and cloud analytics. Because of this, it is significant to understand the basics of perimeter and enterprise DX, key architectural principles, and how to plan for a successful perimeter computation implementation.

Key elements of digital transformation

The foundations that companies must consider for a successful digital transformation can be divided into 3 categories: culture, technology, and measurement.

The culture

Teamwork is vital. No matter how much cash is invested in automation or business technology, the chances of success are slim if employees are reluctant to embrace change. Knowledge transfer is critical as experienced employees retire and new employees take on these roles. Veterans must empower new employees to make important decisions and ensure a level of ability and competence among employees. Finding ways to measure productivity will provide an opportunity to reward workers and prepare them for leadership roles.

Another important point worth noting is the business management process. It is a work culture formality that sets the rules for running a company. Make sure these rules provide flexibility and process improvement in the execution of operations.


Invest in Edge technology and make sure you have the right technology architecture and governance, including the right hardware, software, and data governance. In addition, workers also need to develop risk tolerance when deploying new technologies, rather than avoiding change because they are comfortable with the status quo.


The old way of measuring success must evolve. Improve measurement systems by collecting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the right metrics for employees. By doing so, you can provide the best evidence of the success of your company and employees.

Architecture Fundamentals and DX Options for Edge

A powerful connectivity infrastructure is required to receive data on peripherals. These high-performance devices can have commercial off-the-shelf microprocessors (COTS) that are designed to access and control this data, which can run in software such as Linux or Windows. The data is then transferred to containers and virtual machines to finally be transferred to the cloud. The data interoperability tools used to bring that data to the cloud can range from solutions such as OPC UA to lower bandwidth solutions such as MMQTT.

 At every level, cybersecurity must be applied to every one of them. In addition, at each level, it is critical to visualize the architecture to see the progress of the data, and to be able to make appropriate diagnostics and changes if necessary.

Fundamentals of Enterprise Digital Transformation and the Limit

Best Practices for Successfully Implementing Edge Computing

Develop a cutting-edge strategy

Ensure OT / IT convergence in your business. Bring the two cultures together and start sharing responsibilities.

Look for a simple, remotely managed modern computing infrastructure to mitigate the risk of running out of resources.

Make sure the infrastructure is always available and can connect to your data center and cloud.

For more information, watch the Digital Transformation Fundamentals for the Enterprise and the Edge webinar by John Fryer and Craig Resnick, where they expand on these topics and provide more information on best practices. Join us to better understand how digital transformation is driving change, its importance to your business, and how to become a DX leader.

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